This Thursday, Nov 9th, come to the launch of The Claudia Charter for Safer Cycling in Oxford at Tap Social.
Six months ago, our friend Claudia Comberti was killed while riding her bike on Botley Road. Since the collision, we’ve been working together to develop The Claudia Charter, for a safer, friendlier, and more collaborative environment on Oxford’s roads.
We know that Oxford is full of people who walk, ride, and drive on our city’s roads. We also know that a lot of people want to feel safer on their daily journeys. If this includes you then we would love you to join us!
Doors will be open from 5.30pm to anyone interested in finding out more about Claudia, the Charter, and what’s next.
From 6.45pm there will be a few short speeches. Tap Social will be open until 11pm.
We know that the 9th will be a difficult day for many. You are welcome to simply pop-in on your way home, stay for a pint, or join us for the whole evening.
The Claudia Charter has been collaboratively created by Broken Spoke, Cyclox, two of Oxford’s City Councillors, members of the University of Oxford’s Environmental Change Institute, and friends of Claudia.
For more information and updates see The Claudia Charter Facebook page.