DIY Workshop offers
you space, tools and a helping hand from a professional mechanic
Our DIY Workshop sessions are a perfect opportunity to practice your bike fixing skills.
Access our professional tools and workspace, get support from our mechanics & volunteers who are on hand to help you through your bike problem!

Our Mechanic Supported DIY sessions help you to

Access professional tools and space to fix your bike
Instead of buying a bunch of expensive tools, then having the nightmare of finding space for storing them... come and use ours!
Hone your skills
(with help on hand)
Carry out your repairs with our team of professional mechanics and volunteers on hand to support you - ask questions, get your work checked!
Build your confidence with fixing your bike
Get the support you need to tackle your repairs with confidence!

Why Broken Spoke
Only cycling workshop in Oxford that offers educational courses.
Inclusive, welcoming space with sessions led by and specifically for women, trans and non-binary folk.
I was given great assistance. Was able to put on new tyres and change my brake pads! Thanks!
Brilliant place to work on your bike & learn how to repair one!
I had a warm welcome and was instantly put at ease
I never fixed my own bike before as I don't have the know-how - but they patiently walked me through it
My bike now works like a charm and I had good support

How it works
Booking a stand is recommended - we have 4 workstands available to book, as well as 2 workstands available for drop ins during the session.
If you drop in and it is busy, you might need to wait until a stand becomes free, or come back another day.
Prices start at £15 for online booking. However, if you would like to contribute but only less is feasible, that’s fine too. We can take donations for drop ins on the day. Just speak to one of our mechanics when you arrive.
Your booking covers your workstand, use of the workshop space, tools and equipment, support and guidance from our mechanics and volunteers plus the all-important brew and biscuits (for when your blood sugar drops or your patience runs out!)
It's important to know that some jobs take longer than expected. The lead mechanic will help give you a guide of what is reasonable to get done in the available time. Please note we don't start any new jobs during the final hour of the session.
During busy sessions the workshop is filled with tools, parts, bikes and people. We aim to create a safe and inclusive space for everyone, so please make sure you take a look at our Safer Spaces Policy.
The essential points are to wear shoes that protect your feet, anyone under 18 must be accompanied by an adult, ask a volunteer or mechanic if you don't know how to use a tool, and ask a mechanic to safety check your bike before you ride away.
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2 hr
From 15 British pounds