We all know that cycling in the Winter can be a challenge, and sometimes not very appealing! Drizzly days, dark evenings, icy roads; all of which can lead to tricky cycling conditions.

It’s common for people to, come winter, leave their bikes at home and use alternative transport. But what if you had the confidence to continue to swap fossil fuel for pedal power during the winter months? What if you felt you could continue to do your bit for the environment and boost your physical and mental health, even when it’s wet and dark out?
Sounds good right? Well, that's where we come in!
We are excited to be launching a new Winter Cycle Training Programme alongside our usual cycle training sessions. This programme is specially designed to help you navigate winter cycling - providing advice, tips and training to help you manage the change in season. And most importantly, help you to continue to cycle around the city as safely and efficiently as possible when the nights start to draw in and the weather worsens.
Each Winter training session is 2hrs (just like a normal cycle training session) but will be a mixture of theory and practical all centred around cycling in the winter. The theory will
cover various aspects of winter cycling, including how to manage your bike in tricky conditions, advice on clothing and visibility, typical hazards and useful checks.

We then get out on the bike and start putting some of that theory into practice!
To sign up for one of our sessions simply pick a date and time with a trainer in our usual 1:1 cycle training booking calendar. https://www.bsbcoop.org/book-a-session
IMPORTANT - Please make sure you tick Broken Spoke as your starting location and tick the ‘winter training programme’ box in the booking form.
We look forward to helping you to keep peddling this Winter!
Hopefully the below answers any further questions you may have about the sessions but if not, please do reach out to us via info@bsbcoop.org
Does it matter what level I'm at?
Our Winter CT sessions are perfect for confident fair weather cyclists who wish to improve their skills for the winter. It is not recommended for people at the very beginning of their cycling journey (i.e. can not yet balance on a bike) We recommend if you are at this stage in your training to sign up to one of our usual CT sessions as a starting point.
How many Winter training sessions would you recommend?
It’s up to you! Each session is tailored to your needs and current skill level. We recommend doing one and then see how you feel.
Can I use my Oxford University subsidised training hours for these sessions?
Yes! If you are a student or staff member of Oxford Uni, you are entitled to 6 hours of fully funded cycle training (equivalent to three 2 hour sessions) Oxford Uni bookings
Will these sessions help me with cycling in the dark?
Yes! Cycling in the dark is a big part of winter cycling and can be one of the main barriers for people. These sessions will provide tips and advice about cycling in the dark.